Saturday, January 21, 2012

Swirled Roses - Royal Icing

Swirled Roses in royal icing. I'm making sugar cookies for a bridal shower in a few weeks. I have a wedding cake cutter that I'll be using. I wasn't sure how to decorate the cake cookies so played around with making roses.
I made a few hundred of them! They're only 1/2 inch across or smaller.

I'll keep them in an air tight container until it's time to make the cookies.

I think that I'll do three rows of flowers, one at the top of each tier, then add leaves directly onto the cookies.

The one thing I'm not sure about is whether to add the flowers to the wet cookies or to wait until the base is dry and apply them with a dot of icing. It seems to me that adding the flowers to the wet icing will save time. I'm wondering if it will look as nice though.

I'll test that method first when I get to decorating the cookies.
I'm quite happy with them. I think they'll make the cookies like very pretty.

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